Database of journalists mediaContact

Reach effectively to thousands of journalists representing all types of media

Use mediaContact to channel the information accurately to proper authors of contents and proper media. Data base of journalists is an indispensable tool for everyone who deals with communication, PR and media relations.

Data base of contact details to journalists available from PLN 299 monthly!


mediaContact facilitates working with media

Precise targeting

Baza dziennikarzy MediaContact

Thanks to a developed data base, you get certitude that the information you send will reach a journalist interested in a given subject matter.

Sending out the information to over 2,700 journalists from across Poland has significantly contributed to delivering the information about our Programme for Helping Children to the neediest families.
Justyna Konieczna, Association for the Disabled People SPES

Data base is constantly updated and completed with new contacts. It is also possible for you to import your own contacts from any sources to the mediaContact data base.

Constant update of the data base

Constant update of the data base

Data base is constantly updated and completed with new contacts. It is also possible for you to import your own contacts from any sources to the mediaContact data base.

Online press office for free

You will quickly write a press release and introduce it to a dedicated online press office. You don’t need to install any additional software.

You send emails without attachments. An addressee downloads multimedia directly from a virtual press office. Every journalist receives a personalised message.

Journalists-friendly distribution

Journalists-friendly distribution

You send emails without attachments. An addressee downloads multimedia directly from a virtual press office. Every journalist receives a personalised message.

Statistics of a delivery

No more of a burdensome follow-up! With the press office, you will be able to check the effects of the press release’s distribution.


List of subjects


Order easyContact with us

easyContact is a convenient alternative – a one-off delivery of a press release that we do for you. The service is addressed to all who need to quickly inform media about an important development. You send us a press release and we handle the related technical aspects and the distribution to proper journalists from our thousands contacts counting data base.